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Avallon : +33 (0)3 86 34 14 19
Vézelay : +33 (0)3 86 33 23 69
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Saint-Jacques de Compostelle or St. James’ Way

Trail marked hike GR 654 – 1 700 km from Vézelay
or trail marked hike Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle

La Voie de Vézelay, also called Via Lemovicensis, has been a  UNESCO World Heritage site since1998 just like the 3 others in France.

Pilgrims have the choice of 2 itineraries: one via Bourges, the other via Nevers, which meet up at Gargilesse, halfway between Châteauroux and Limoges.

Pélerin de St Jacques

Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle by bike

A 2 day itinerary from Vézelay to Varzy and Charité-sur-Loire.

…and to go even further, a 432km itinerary to Limoges !

Pilgrim trails from Vezelay

Le Chemin d’Assise

Trail marked itinerary – 1500 km from Vézelay

This path, opened in 2005, connects Vézelay, the first Franciscan settlement in France in the thirteenth century, to Assisi, the birthplace of Saint Francis, founder of the Franciscan order.


Tour de Vézelay

95% trail marked itinerary – 140 km from Vézelay

A loop trail based on different pilgrimages going from the south of  Vézelay, through the valley of  l’Yonne and la Cure, and the wooded north-west of  the Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan.

Tour de Vézelay

Le Chemin Pélerin (Vézelay-Autun)

Trail marked itinerary – 178 km from Vézelay

This itinerary goes from Vezelay to Autun, the Gallo-Roman capital full of hidden treasures…  This hike will take you across the Morvan through l’Yonne and Saône-et-Loire.

Chemin Pélerin