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Nous appeler :
Avallon : +33 (0)3 86 34 14 19
Vézelay : +33 (0)3 86 33 23 69
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How to find us

Itineraries and transport

Our destination is about 2 hours from Paris (220 km) and Lyon (250 km), and only 1 hour from Dijon (106 km) by car!

To get here, its easy: you can choose between car (or carpooling), trains, buses, taxis or even small tourist planes!

By train

To reach Avallon: departure from Paris Bercy station Stop in Avallon.  To reach Vézelay: departure from Paris Bercy station Stop at SermizellesVézelay + take the shuttle bus (twice daily) to Vézelay (10 km)

more info:

By car

When we tell you that our destination is the one for you! A change of scenery accessible by the A6 motorway (exit Avallon n°22 or Nitry n°21) or via the N6.

We are just 2 hours from Paris and 2h30 from Lyon!

By bus

To get around the Burgundy region, from Dijon or Auxerre, Corbigny, Autun, Saulieu

Check out the regional bus connections:

By plane

The Avallon aerodrome welcomes small tourist planes all year round on its grass runway.

We are expecting you! Open to Public Air Traffic (PAC)

Phone : +33 386 341 511

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